Since the organization was formed, the people in the organization carried out in accordance with the division of their tasks to achieve organizational goals. Their efforts to achieve organizational goals efficiently and effectively requires coordination. With this coordination, it should not happen overlapping jobs. Without coordination hardly be expected to achieve organizational goals effectively and efficiently. Coordination function within the organization can be likened simpfoni orchestra that produces a tuneful melody. Each member of the orchestra playing a musical instrument in accordance with its function.
occurs naturally in coordinating negotiations to get a deal. One task of the manager is to coordinate the work of individuals, groups, and organizations through other management functions. Coordination in fact easy to say but hard to do. This module presents the notion of coordination, coordination of benefits, coordination principles and characteristics of effective coordination.
Understanding Coordination
Coordination by Chung and Megginson (1981) can be defined as the process of motivation, leadership, and communication of subordinates to achieve organizational goals. Sutisna (1989) defines coordination is the process of uniting sumbanga-donations from the people, materials, and other resources towards the achievement of the purposes specified. Anonymous (2003) defines coordination is a system and a process of interaction to achieve alignment, harmony, and simplicity of the various activities of international and intergovernmental institutions in society through communication and dialogue between different individuals by using management information systems, and information technology.
Based expert opinion can be concluded that the reference to coordination is the process of integrating (combining), synchronizes, and simplifies the implementation of the separate tasks on an ongoing basis to achieve goals effectively and efficiently. Without coordination, individuals and the parts will not be able to see their role in an organization. They will carry over to follow their own interests (sectoral ego) and even to sacrifice target-sararan larger organization.
coordination is an important part among the members or organizational units whose work is interdependent. The more the work of individuals or units that are closely related variant, the greater the likelihood of coordination problems.
approach is the approach used in the coordination system. With regard coordination as a systems approach integrating, pensinkronisasian, and simplifying the implementation of the separate tasks continuously by individuals or units that are all united in the right amount, the right quality, the right place and the right waKepala School in achieving objectives effectively and efficiently. With a balance of coordination of different parts of the interaction thus aligning the entire organization moves to a predetermined destination effectively and efficiently as a system.
essence of a manager's job by Gibson, (2003) is to coordinate the assignment of individuals, groups, and organizations with the four functions of management are planning, organizing, leading, and controlling to achieve the goals of individuals, groups, and organizations effectively. To clarify the above statement, Gibson, (2003)
Coordination of Benefits
Coordination benefit PRINCIPAL:
1. to realize KISS (coordination, integration, synchronization, and simplification) to achieve organizational goals effectively and efficiently;
2. resolve any conflict of interests of various parties involved;
3. that educational managers are able to integrate and synchronize the execution of his duties with education stakeholders are interdependent, the greater the dependence of these units, the greater the need for coordination;
4. to be able to coordinate the development of education managers with the development of the education sector to other sectors;
5. that educational managers are able to integrate functional activities of education and the goals of the unit separate organization to achieve common goals with limited resources effectively and efficiently;
6. the division of labor in which the greater division of labor, the need pengkordinasian / harmony so there is no duplication or overlap of work causes waste;
7. to develop and maintain sound and harmonious relationship between the activities of both physical and nonphysical with stakeholders;
8. to facilitate the implementation of tasks in order to achieve educational goals with limited educational resources;
9. prevent internal and external conflicts are counter productive school;
10. prevent the vacuum of space and waKepala School, and
11. preventing competition is not supposed.
Coordination Principles
Principles coordination abbreviated COORDINATION.
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Characteristics of Effective Coordination
1) The purpose is achieved in coordination with the satisfaction of all parties concerned.
2) Coordinator is very proactive and cooperative stakeholders.
3) There is nothing selfish or group (egosektoral).
4) not overlapping tasks.
5) Commitment all high side.
6) Information flows faster decisions to all parties in the network system coordination.
7) No adverse parties coordinate.
8) The right waKepala School.
9) All problems solved.
10) Availability of a comprehensive written report and detailed by each stakeholder.
Using Coordination classrooms, laboratories, workshops, facilities and other infrastructure together.
One task is to coordinate the manager. Coordination is the process of integrating, synchronizing, and simplifies the implementation of the separate tasks on an ongoing basis to achieve goals effectively and efficiently. The approach used in the coordination is a systems approach. Coordination of benefits to achieve the KISS PRINCIPAL (coordination, integration, synchronization, and simplification) to achieve organizational goals effectively and efficiently. The principles of coordination abbreviated COORDINATION. There are 10 characteristics of effective kodinasi.
Chung, KH & Megginson, LC 1981. Organizational Behavior Developing Managerial Skills. New York: Harper & Row, Publishers.
Gibson, JL, Ivancevich, JM, Donnelly, JH, & Konopaske, R. , 2003.
Organizations: Behavior, Structure, Processes. 11th Edition. New York: McGraw-Hill Irwin.
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